Updated 2024-10-11

The terms “Blendable”, “we”, “us”, and “our” used below refer to Blendable Inc.

At Blendable we’re dedicated to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal and business information in our custody and control. Blendable follows comprehensive privacy policies and security practices in compliance with applicable laws and to support our commitment of trust through integrity in everything we do.

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose personal information, how it may be shared and with whom, our security practices, and your choices.

  • Information Collected
  • Use of Information
  • Sharing of Information
  • Safety of Information
  • Retention of Personal Information
  • Communicating with Us
  • Your Choices
  • Your Rights
  • Changes to this Privacy Policy
  • Contact

Information Collected

Blendable may gather personal information directly from you, insurance brokers, general agents, health specialists, hospitals, clinics or other facilities of a medical or paramedical nature, insurance companies, employers, or any other organization or person that maintains files or personal information about you.

When you request products or services, we will ask you to provide only the information that enables us to complete your request, to provide better service, or to offer you products and services we believe you might be interested in.

The types of personal information that we collect to provide our products and services includes:

  • Contact and identity information, such as your name, address, phone number, title, business phone number, email address, date of birth, social insurance number (if applicable for tax purposes), and account numbers;
  • Transaction information arising from your relationship with and through us, and from other software providers, third party administrators, insurers, brokers, and general agents;
  • Information you provide on an application for the provision of our products and services, such as your annual income, place of employment, date of birth, medical history, and dependant information;
  • Financial behaviour information, such as your payment information and history and credit worthiness;
  • Health information, which may be collected to provide our products and services, in particular insurance products and services;
  • Business information, which may include your business name, address, phone number, email address, industry type, and detail(s) on the owner(s), operator(s) and director(s); and
  • Additional information, which may be requested to help us determine your eligibility for products and services that we offer and to provide support accessing and using those products and services.

Providing us with your information is always your choice. However, your decision to withhold particular details may limit or prevent us from providing products or services, especially in dealings involving insurance and related financial services.

We are continuously striving to improve our service offerings to you. Therefore, we routinely collect non-personal aggregate information from surveys, public archives, and Web sites to help us understand the interests of our clients and to manage our risks. This information is anonymized and cannot be linked to any identifiable individual profiles.

Information Collected Automatically

Blendable may use cookies to monitor and improve your experience on the Site. These cookies do not contain personal or financial information. They gather statistical data which provides us with insight on how to improve the design, content and navigation of our digital channels. Your choice not to accept these cookies will not interfere with your use of our services or Site.

Blendable may use cookies as part of the functionality and security of a particular service. These cookies may include an encrypted persistent cookie installed on your device that contains information to help us verify you as our client and to help block unauthorized attempts to access your information through the channel. Your choice not to accept these cookies may prevent the operation of the service or certain features within the service from operating.

Use of Information

We use your personal information for the purposes communicated to you in your agreement(s) with us, for example to:

  • Verify your identity;
  • Provide you with the products and services requested;
  • Process transactions;
  • Communicate to you any benefit, feature, and other information about products and services you have with us; 
  • Respond to any special needs or inquiries you may have;
  • Better understand your situation and determine your eligibility for products and services we offer;
  • Manage our risks and operations; and
  • Meet regulatory and legal requirements.

If we have collected your social insurance number, we may use it for tax related purposes. We may also share it with credit reporting agencies as an aide to identify you when establishing our relationship with you.

We may communicate with you through various channels including telephone, computer, or mail using the contact information you have provided.

With your consent, we may use your information to promote our products and services and those of third parties we select, which we believe you will be interested in. If you do not wish to receive special offers promoting products and services, kindly let us know by following the instructions in Your Choices below.

If for any reason your information is required to fulfill a different purpose than that of your original intent, we will ask for your consent before we proceed.

Note that sensitive information such as health or financial records will never, under any circumstances, be shared or used for a purpose other than that of the original intent.

Sharing of Information

Under certain circumstances, your personal information may be shared among Blendable companies or other third parties as outlined below.

Blendable Companies

Sharing your personal information among Blendable companies can allow us to help you achieve your goals. It's part of building and maintaining a positive relationship with you. We may use this information to better understand your needs and to promote products and services we believe may interest you. We may share your information with other Blendable companies:

  • With your consent;
  • For the purposes of fraud or crime prevention, suppression, or detection;
  • To enable Blendable companies to meet regulatory, legal, financial, or other reporting obligations; and
  • As permitted or required by law.

If you deal with or have dealt with multiple Blendable companies (e.g. Your HSA Inc, Your Financial Solutions Inc, Your HSA Group Inc, Your HSA Trust), we may, where not prohibited by law, consolidate all information to better manage our business and the relationship we have with you.

If you would prefer that we not share your information among our group of companies kindly let us know by following the instructions in Your Choices below.

Service Providers

We may use service providers to perform specialized services on our behalf such as customer service, claims adjudication, trust fund financial management, research, marketing, mail distribution, or data processing. Our service providers are provided only the information necessary to perform the services. In addition, we require them to protect the information in a manner that is consistent with our privacy policies and security practices.

Whenever we engage a service provider, whether or not the service provider is in a foreign jurisdiction, we require that its privacy and security standards adhere to this policy and applicable Canadian privacy legislation. In the event a service provider is located in a foreign jurisdiction, the governments, courts, law enforcement, or regulatory agencies of that jurisdiction may be able to obtain access to your personal information through the laws of the foreign jurisdiction.

Business transactions

In the event that Blendable, or a part of it, is sold, restructured or involved in a similar business transaction, we may transfer your personal information to the parties involved in that transaction. We will ensure that your personal information is transferred in accordance with legal, regulatory and professional obligations.

Disclosures authorized or required by law

We may disclose your personal information where we are legally required or authorized to do so. These situations include:

  • Meeting a court order;
  • To respond to valid and authorized information requests from domestic and international authorities;
  • To help prevent fraud; and
  • To protect the personal safety of employees, clients, or other third parties on Blendable property.

Disclosure with consent:

We may disclose your personal information in other circumstances with your consent. We will only share your information with other third parties as indicated under your specific agreement with us or if the third party provides us with your written authorization.

Safety of Information

We have implemented reasonable physical, technological, and administrative security measures designed to protect the personal information in our control against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. We limit access to personal information to our employees and service providers who require access in connection with their role or function. For example, when you call us, visit us, or email us, designated employees will access your information to verify that you are the account holder or plan member and to assist you in fulfilling your requests. Each of our employees is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information to which they have access, failing to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary measures, which may include dismissal. We keep our employees informed about our policies and procedures for protecting personal information. Despite these measures, since no system or security measure is completely secure, it is possible that personal information may be lost, stolen or accessed without authorization.

If there is a breach of our security safeguards, we will conduct a risk assessment that will consider the sensitivity of the information and the probability that the information will be misused. If there is a real risk of significant harm to any individual, we will report this to the individual(s) and to the Information and Privacy Commissioner as soon as feasible. We will maintain records of any breach, including those not posing significant harm, for 24 months, as required by this Policy and PIPEDA.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain personal information for as long as necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with prudent business practices on general document retention, professional obligations, or as otherwise required by law.

Communicating with us

Whether you are communicating with us online, via email, in person, or by telephone, our privacy principles and security mechanisms ensure that your personal information and your confidentiality are protected at all times.


Unencrypted email is not secure. We recommend that where possible, you use the secure email function provided within some of our online services to communicate with us. Otherwise, you can contact us to find out your options for secure communications with us.

At no time should you include personal or confidential information in an unencrypted email.

To help our customers recognize fraudulent email and websites pretending to represent a legitimate company, Blendable will never ask you to provide personal, login, or account information through unsolicited email. Should you receive an email requesting this type of information, do not respond. 


If you receive an unsolicited call that claims to be from Blendable requesting account or other personal information do not respond. Instead, discontinue the call and independently verify the phone number. Only call back once you have ensured it is a legitimate Blendable phone number.


We use several layers of proven security technologies and processes to provide you with secure online access to your account and information. These are continuously evaluated and updated by our experts to ensure that we protect you and your information.

Your Choices

You are always in control of your personal information. You may unsubscribe from our promotional email communications at any time by using the unsubscribe feature included in those messages. Please note that if you unsubscribe from our promotional email communications you may still receive transactional or business-related communication from us.

Your Rights

We do the utmost to ensure the information we have about you is accurate and complete. As we make decisions based on the personal information we have, we encourage you to help us keep our information current. Contact us to request access to or correction of your personal information in our custody or control.

You also have the right to withdraw your consent to our collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information. Your rights are subject to applicable legal restrictions, and we may take appropriate steps to verify your identity before responding to your request. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This policy is to be read together with and form part of the Blendable Site Terms of Use. It is also developed in the context of evolving and changing law and Internet technologies. Accordingly, these policies are subject to change and as such, any changes will be posted on this page.


For questions, inquiries, or requests in relation to this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer:


Blendable Privacy Officer
180 Northfield Drive West, Suite 4
Waterloo, ON N2L 0C7