Not sure where to start? Dive in with these five blogs that show how Blendable is flipping Group Benefits on its head!

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Come check out our blogs where we go over the ins and outs of the group benefits industry

5 Group Benefits myths you need to know

Figuring out group benefits can feel like navigating a labyrinth where you aren’t sure what’s myth and what’s fact. Confusing jargon like “target loss ratio” and “pooling costs” only make it harder.

Let's shed light on the puzzling world of group benefits. Debunking myths and revealing truths that savvy business owners should know.

Here are 5 myths in the Group Benefits world.

The 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey

The Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey was released a few weeks ago and you know what that means! We have another reason to talk about trends in the Group Benefits Industry!

In this blog, we will be going over findings that we found interesting, informative, and important.

The Perfect Storm

Inflation, wage increases, an economic slowdown, and evolving labour market dynamics are all topics that have been making headlines recently, and their impact is felt across various sectors of the economy. Small businesses in particular are facing mounting challenges as they grapple with the repercussions. If your small business was a ship, you’d be heading into quite the storm!

Artificial Intelligence and Group Benefits

Artificial Intelligence is a frightening yet intriguing scientific development. It's amazing how sites such as ChatGPT are becoming more streamlined. In this blog, we decided to see what the all-knowing ChatGPT thinks about Health Spending Accounts in the world of Group Benefits.

What is the right amount to contribute?

I know an HSA is the right thing to do for my business and my team, but how much should I contribute? We answer this question and more in this blog!

HSA Select and your cash flow

As a business owner you watch your books like a hawk. Money in, money out, make sure I stay on top of it! So, when starting a Blendable HSA Select to cover your healthcare expenses you've probably got cashflow questions. Well, we've got answers!

How should you pay for medical expenses?

Medical expenses pop up for all of us. Whether it’s prescription drugs, dental work, or regular massages, we all take care of our health.

There are three different ways you can pay for these expenses if you’re an individual with an incorporated business.

The history of Group Benefits

Although for decades Group Benefits have been an essential part of compensation for Canadians, not may know their history. It’s about time we told the whirlwind tale of Group Benefits!

What are my Group Benefits costs going to be next year?

Learn about the different types of Group Benefits plans and how they impact your costs for the upcoming year. From outdated insurance plans to the modernized Health Spending Accounts, find out how they impact your books.