Not sure where to start? Dive in with these five blogs that show how Blendable is flipping Group Benefits on its head!

Blendable Blog Hub

Come check out our blogs where we go over the ins and outs of the group benefits industry

HSA Select and your cash flow

As a business owner you watch your books like a hawk. Money in, money out, make sure I stay on top of it! So, when starting a Blendable HSA Select to cover your healthcare expenses you've probably got cashflow questions. Well, we've got answers!

The history of Group Benefits

Although for decades Group Benefits have been an essential part of compensation for Canadians, not may know their history. It’s about time we told the whirlwind tale of Group Benefits!

What are my Group Benefits costs going to be next year?

Learn about the different types of Group Benefits plans and how they impact your costs for the upcoming year. From outdated insurance plans to the modernized Health Spending Accounts, find out how they impact your books.

What happens if I get sick?

“What happens when someone gets really sick?” It’s the number one question we get once we start talking about how Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) can take care of life’s expected medical expenses.

Is "skin in the game" really the answer?

When it comes to group benefits, we're all looking for ways to save money and control costs without sacrificing our team’s coverage. However, these shortcuts tend to provide a Band-Aid solution that damages the plan’s integrity.

The concept of "skin in the game", is no exception.

How to read a renewal report

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a renewal report where you’re being told you will be paying more in premiums without an explanation as to why?

The benefits background cost

What you’re really getting with a premium-based benefits plan is one that provides a perception of value and comes with a recurring cost that you end up paying “just in case.”

Benefits are compensation

Move over salary, you're not the only part of compensation people want nowadays! As competition for new hires ramps up, the need for valuable, equal benefits follows.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Minimum pay equals minimum effort, act your wage, no time for overtime – these are some popular mindsets making headlines in today's workplaces. This mindset is called Quiet Quitting.